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EFAmetal Machine Primer grey 0,75 liter

Esbjerg Machine Primer

Series: 0102

Corrosive protection of metal, machinery, agricultural machinery, etc.

EFAmetal Machineprime 0102 series is suitable for corrosion protection of plant, machinery, agricultural machinery, etc. 
The primer dries fast and has good adhesion and corrosion protection. The primer can be recoated with most alkyd topcoats particular EFAmetal Machine enamel series 0130. 
The primer is based on urethane alkyd containing anti-corrosive pigment. The primer can be thinned with White Spiret (0700-79120)

Colours: See available colours
Package dimensions: 0,75 l., 20 l., 5 l.
Coverage: 10 m²/L.
Dry time: Dust dry after 30 minutes at 20 ° C.
Application: Conventional spraying, Airless/Airmix, Brush and roller
Type: Solventborne
Riskicons: GHS 02 GHS 07
Riskwords: Warning
Risk: - Flammable liquid and vapour.
- May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
- Contains Polycarboxylic acid salt, Cobalt bis(2-ethylhexanoate). May produce an allergic reaction
- Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
- Advarsel! Der kan danne sig farlige respirable dråber, når der sprayes. Undgå indånding af spray eller tåge.

Corrosion primer of steel. The primer is suitable for corrosion protection of plant, machinery, agricultural machinery, etc. This product is designed for professional use.

Quick drying, good adhesion and corrosion protection. Can be coated with most alkyd topcoats particular Esbjerg Engine enamel, in case of doubt, please contact our sales department.

Select either Abrasive blasting to Sa 2 ½ or chemical pretreatment in accordance with ISO 8501-1. This is recommended. Otherwise clean the scalp thoroughly for oil, grease, dirt and paint. loose paint. Old paint must be sanded matt.

For more information see the technical data sheet.

Colour Shine Item number Description
0102-84061 Primer - Grey
0102-74069 Primer - Red


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